Friday May 18, 2018

Applying permaculture principles to your social business, and more with the founders of La Botica Verde: RRT 4

Welcome to a very special session of the Regenerative Round Table. Though Jeremy Fellows is away on a road trip through Mexico on his beloved bus sunny, we’re joined by two great friends and social entrepreneurs, Giuliana Gobbato and Michelle Sultan, founders of “La Botica Verde” who we featured in an interview two weeks ago. In this episode we get into a ton of new topics including the difference between food sovereignty and food security, and which is healthier for our communities. We talk about getting ahead of the seasons and preparing for the installation of abundant systems, post-harvest workshops for organic producers to help them get more product to market in a healthy way, designing for energy flows, and so much more. This is an in-depth discussion with some really brilliant minds working to bring profitable and equitable models of permaculture to as many people as possible in a region of the world with so much potential and promise moving forward. I hope that you’ll join the conversation and become collaborators in the seasons to come! Resources: La Botica Verde Abundant Edge on FB

Oliver M Goshey 2023

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