Friday Apr 20, 2018

Climate considerations, training new team members, and project planning: RRT 3

Hey everyone! We're back with another regenerative round table with the whole Abundant Edge team to fill you in on the projects, challenges, and of course goats here on our regenerative homestead in Guatemala. In this session we talk about the work we've been doing on the landscape and the house over the last month, but also break down a few key concepts that have to be considered in any design such as the nuances of your climate. Neal and I talk about training new members of the team from our local community, and Jeremy breaks down why you should start a nursery as soon as possible and the many benefits of living fences. We also get into other topics like build project planning, planning for the seasons with your goats, answer listener questions, and much more. Don't forget to send your own questions to our team at "The Abundant Edge" facebook page and we'll do our best to answer them for you in upcoming episodes of the podcast.

Oliver M Goshey 2023

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