Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Introducing the Abundant Edge with host Oliver M Goshey: 001
Welcome to the very first episode of "The Abundant Edge." In this introductory episode I'll introduce the concept and motivation behind starting the podcast and introduce myself, Oliver Goshey, by explaining how I got interested in regenerative living practices and the journey I've gone through to get where I am as a natural builder and permaculture designer. As always, these episodes are meant to be a dialogue and conversation starter more than a lecture series. Especially in these early days of getting the podcast up and running I really appreciate feedback, comments, ideas, whatever. I want to hear from you! If you enjoyed this episode please share it with your friends or others who you think might benefit from the information and insights in these episodes. I'm looking forward to making these as useful and informative for everyone looking to make the world and our environment a better place.