
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Now that I’m spending so much time out on the land here at the new farm I’m becoming a lot more conscious of my health. Nutrition has been really important for me in the last handful of years as I’ve struggled to overcome the chronic digestive issues that plagued me until my 30s. Over time I’ve dug deeper into whole food nutrition, fermentation and the gut microbiome, the importance of healthy fats and unpasteurized products, and quite a few others.
At the same time, I’ve read and researched a lot of work that’s very dogmatic and extreme in their nutritional and healthy living advice. Some of the recommendations are really unrealistic for my lifestyle or miss important holistic concepts of an overall healthy way of living in connection to one's surroundings and sources of food. For this and many other reasons I’ve been closely following the development of Richard Perkins new book titled Farm Fish Hunt Pick Bake. Like many young farmers and homesteaders, I know Richard from his work and educational videos around the development of Ridgedale farm in Northern Sweden. I’ve interviewed him now a few times in the past on previous seasons of this show and hosted skill exchange events online with him for the Climate Farmers community. Cooking and nutrition has been a minor part of his online teachings until recently, but has been very much in line with the ethos of his ideas on reconnecting with the land and living in close relationship with your food sources, both plants and animals.
As Richard has been transitioning from beyond full-time farming he’s collaborated with the incredible chefs who’ve catered his many farm events and trainings to create a cookbook that conveys the full scope of not only the recipes, but also the process of foraging, farming, processing, and preserving all the food that Ridgedale farm is well known for.
In this interview Richard and I explore where the inspiration for this new focus on food came from, and how the book has come together. We also dive into reemerging traditional concepts from the book like nose-to-tail eating, the art and culture of fermentation, the importance of both raw and properly cooked foods, the redemption of animal fats, and so much more.
I’ve often thought that even if I didn’t love the farm lifestyle I’d still be in love with regenerative agriculture just for the food, and this massive volume covers so much of exactly what it means to reconnect with the ecology and processes of your food sources to make the enjoyment, appreciation, and reverence for what we eat a part of our lifestyles once again.
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Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Today I’m going to give you a window into the series of Skill Exchange calls that I host regularly for the members of the Climate Farming community. The community is open to any active farmer in Europe and together we’ve co-created an online learning space for farmers to connect with one another, share ideas and knowledge, and receive support from their peers.This series of Skill Exchange calls is part of my ongoing effort to create a free library of farmer’s presentations on tips and abilities they’ve found success with throughout the diverse farming operations that are represented in our groups.
In today’s episode we get to hear from Lorenzo Costa, who’s been on this show once previously in an episode I recorded on his farm in the Chianti region of Italy with Zach Weiss when I visited in November of last year. Lorenzo will offer a deep dive into some of the processes and recipes he has learned, applied, and found success with from Korean Natural Farming, or KNF. We start out with an overview of what KNF is and how it began before jumping into tutorials on how to make your own indigenous microorganisms, DIY liquid fertilizers, and more.
This is a very technical presentation which will walk you through the each step in how to make these garden amendment and enhancement products for yourself, and since I know it can be tough to remember everything much less take notes if you’re doing something else while you listen to this, Lorenzo was kind enough to send me his presentation with all the pictures he refers to so you can reference it later when you’re mixing all this stuff up.Check out the presentation here
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Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
In my work with farmers and clients I’ve always looked for the leverage points where small actions can lead to the largest changes and progress. Where is it that a beginner or novice can invest some resources and make big leaps rather than burning out for small results. In fact, as I’m in the early stages of renovating my own house and farm, this is a source of constant reflection for me as well.This line of thinking has led me to focus so much on water, since basically all life is dependent on it, and if you can keep your landscape hydrated you can massively increase the living capital potential regardless of what you’re producing or what ecosystem you inhabit.
Another leverage point that I’ve become increasingly focused on, thanks to the work of Julia Dakin and Joseph Lofthouse of the “Going to Seed” organization, is that of landrace gardening and plant breeding. I won’t give away too much because we’ll go deeper into it in the episode, but the broad concepts is, why go through all the effort of trying to adapt the conditions of your environment, your soil, water access, and other conditions, in order to grow plants that were either grown in greenhouses or completely distinct environments, when you could instead breed resilient and thriving cultivars that are adapted to your specific growing conditions.
In order to shed light on this ancient concept today is Julia Dakin.
Julia is a food and seed producer in Mendocino County, California. She has been involved in agriculture for most of her life, and has devoted the past few years to growing market crops and teaching the benefits of seed saving, local adaptation, and genetic diversity. For the last year she’s been collaborating with Joseph Lofthouse to create the course Landrace Gardening.
Over the last six months, she co-founded an organization called Going to Seed, whose mission statement is ‘inspiring a shift in agriculture towards adaptation, diversity and community. Going to Seed now offers free seed contributed from growers in the Landrace Gardening network, as well as free online courses. More recently Julia has been working on the new online course together with collaborators in Southern Mexico called Center of Origin: Sustainable Farming Methods of Southern Mexico.
In today’s interview, Julia and I go over her adapted definition of landrace gardening and the research epiphany during the pandemic that transformed her understanding of the conditions needed to grow the most nutrient dense food.
From there we go into the practical steps on how to get started with your own landrace breeding trials and how to select for the traits you want to favor over time.
We also cover the easiest vegetables to get started with, how this can work for people with tiny gardens, and some of Julia’s own learnings from her early trials in growing her own tailored plants on her farm.
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Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
If you’ve been following the episodes so far this season, you know I’ve got a lot of projects and travels going on right now. Since the episode I recorded in Nicaragua, I’ve also been on a project on the island of Madeira and just two days ago I got back from a 9 day trip to Portugal. Though I haven’t been able to record everything like a diary the way I would have liked to, today I did get a chance to sit down with Nick Steiner who was with me every step of the way during the tour around three of our favorite farms around the Alentejo region.To keep things short, we start by talking about the activities we were involved with and the farm visits with the Climate Farmers team. Then we go into more detail about the enterprises as well as the management techniques and experiments that each of them are implementing and having stunning results with, and then, since it wouldn’t be an episode with me and Nick if we didn’t geek out about water management, we talk about the opportunities we observed from the different farms on how to hold and store water better, and what implications this could have for the fertility and production on each of their landscapes.
I know that this will be only one of many visits we make to Portugal, especially given the requests and interest we’ve been getting from other farmers in the region to help with water scarcity issues. In future episodes, Nick and I will start to move from the larger overview talks like today, and go into more detail on the causes and effects of broken water cycles, the range of techniques available for specific contexts, and actual tutorials and classes where you can transform your land into a water retention landscape.
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Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
I’ve got a treat for you all today. After almost 3 years, I’ve got Shane Simonsen back on the show. For those of you who are not familiar with Shane, I’ll give a quick intro and then point you to the links to the two previous shows I recorded with him because they’re really worth while.
Shane is a biologist who has a fascinating project on 40 acres in Queensland, AU centered around the concept of zero input farming, which also happens to be the name of the popular blog he’s written about it, which is one of the most original approaches to large scale food production that I’ve come across in a long time and asks the simple question of “how might we still be able to produce enough food for ourselves and our communities if we no longer had access to all of the inputs and fossil fuels of our modern times.”
Despite sounding like a post apocalyptic exercise in primitive living, Shane’s writing is surprisingly optimistic and pragmatic. In a small excerpt from his very first post from September 2019 he writes: In the resource constrained future ahead of us these input dependent approaches to growing food will become impractical or impossible. Instead new systems that rely on locally adapted crops and livestock, integrated into systems that are truly compatible with the local geology and climate will be required. I have taken on the challenge of developing these systems in our particular region in the remaining two decades of vigor I have left in me. This blog is an account of this journey. Hopefully I can inspire some of you to follow in my direction and develop your own locally adapted systems.
, but that’s just an excerpt from the original interview I did with Shane from before the Pandemic. Today I’m speaking with him about how his zero input strategy helped during the Australian response to the pandemic. We go over what he learned and observed from the resilience and weak points of his farm, as well as how it has caused adaptations for the next steps ahead.
On top of all the farm and ecology talk, we dig into the new series of a unique brand of science fiction novels that he’s just about to publish. Though it’s much better to hear him explain it, I can say that I’ve never yet found literature on a possible future for a reintegrated future human society whose world is built around biological technology in contrast to the industrial and mechanical technology that dominates our modern world as well as every other sci fi premise I’ve so far come in contact with. That alone has my imagination and curiosity piqued and I hope it's something we can explore a lot more in future sessions.
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Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
One of the most important resources we’ve been working to create for our network of farmers here in Europe through my work at Climate Farmers is what we’ve called our coach matching service. We’ve long since seen that one of the hurdles that farmers face in their transition to regenerative agriculture is either one of two things. Either not the right specific information and support based on their unique context, or as is more common in the internet age, too much information to the point of overwhelm, inaction, and self doubt.The truth is that having too much information fighting for space in your farm management plan is often more damaging than not knowing what to do.For this reason we’ve put a significant effort into finding the most reputable and experienced coaches and consultants in regen ag around Europe in order to help match farmers who are looking for assistance with the right professional for them.
I also put emphasis on the title of coach there because we recognize that these transition journeys are part of a long term strategy for the health of farm ecosystems, businesses, and the health of the people involved.
No matter where you are in your own journey it can be helpful to receive some dedicated support and assistance from someone with an outside perspective and experience in your challenges to get you over the hurdles in your way to break through to the next level.
At the same time, this represents a paradigm shift in the conventional attitude. Many farmers are used to receiving advice from consultants and “experts'' who give calculations and recommendations which are to be followed precisely. Coaching relationships on the other hand assume that farmers and land managers know their land and businesses better than anyone and only need some guidance, new ideas, and structure to reach their own potential and that of their farm ecologies.
For that reason I reached out to one of the most prominent voices in this space, Nicole Masters, who is also a trainer of farm coaches to help me better understand the value of coaching relationships and journeys.Though Nicole has been on this show a few times now, we’ve mostly explored the more technical details of water management and soil science, but in this episode we’ll look at her perspective on the work she does with growers directly as well as the programs she’s created for the professionals who are guiding farmers on their transition journeys.
Nicole talks about the paradigm shift in coaching that needs to accompany a paradigm shift in land management as well as how it can be approached from both sides. From the coaching side we talk about the abilities and characteristics that make for an effective coach. From the farmers' side we discuss how they can prepare themselves for a successful coaching relationship as well as how to assess a potential coach to see if they’d be a good fit for them.
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Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
The mindset required to find and purchase the land and home that my partner and I are now living in is not the same mindset required to develop and invest in the long term journey of being here. This has become obvious to me as new opportunities and collaborations come up in my work life and I find myself falling into the old habits and tendencies that I've become used to in the previous years.
I'm now in a position in which I need to take some steps back, look at the whole that we are managing and develop a long term strategy for the more deeply connected life and career that my partner and I have talked about cultivating all along.
The constant hustle, savings, and work that helped us get established on our property is a mindset of scarcity and constant want. If we want to become integrated members of our human and natural communities and become "people of place," I will need to invest in the relationships, co-dependence, and stewardship that very few people or institutions are capable or teaching.
In today's episode I start by giving an update of the first few months of being moved into our new home and farm. The priority projects that we've taken on to get comfortable and established here as well as all the considerations and conflicting opportunities that have guided and disturbed our decisions in this short time.
Since the deeper questions of how to orient ourselves for a longer term path towards our unique definition of a quality life is one that I often hear others struggle with, I wanted to share some insights from my own process as well as the tools and resources I turn to in order to make the process more manageable. I hope this discussion sparks a longer conversation about the deeper motivations and core values beneath the projects and work that we do on the land and in our communities.
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Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Those of you who’ve been following this show for a while have watched my fascination with water and its role in every ecosystem grow over the years. By now, between my professional experience, the courses I’ve taken, and the research I’ve done, I feel quite competent in working with land in a practical way to restore its cycles and functionality on the land. Where my understanding is still lacking is in the cutting edge science of the way that plants use and interact with water. I’m no research scientist and don’t hold any degrees in biology or ecology, but I’m fascinated to go deeper into the micro workings of water at cellular levels to understand how we can better manage the plants and other living beings in order to oc´create the highest potential of ecosystem function on the land we interact with.
With that very small and achievable goal in mind, I reached out to my friend and one of my favorite guests on this show to help me to understand the deeper biological and physical workings water within plants.Harriet is an independent research scientist from Austria known for her work uncovering the unexplained phenomena of plant growth and development. Informed by her background in microbiology, mycology, and biochemistry, Harriet has a unique capacity to describe little-known connections between emerging biological research and agriculture. Her objective is to use the scientific background that we have to introduce agricultural methods that are more resilient and also low input for farmers benefit.
In this conversation we explore the observations in Harriet’s garden that prompted her to begin looking deeper into why some plants wilt and struggle in hot and dry conditions, while others are able to continue growing and even thrive. She introduces me to some of the lesser known capabilities of plants to cycle water internally and overcome drought conditions.
We also talk about the indications that anyone can observe in plants that demonstrate their health and resilience to drought conditions as well as some of the practical management changes in the soil that can promote better water handling in crops.
A lot of innovation has also been happening lately in the field of foliar feeding due to the potential of reverse transpiration through leaves and stems, but Harriet also has some important criteria for growers to consider to ensure that their foliar applications are effective and not causing unintended damage.
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Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Welcome to the first epsiode of season 7! So much has happened in the month between the last episode where I introduced my partner Alba and our new home and farm in Spain. There have been a lot of projects both inside the house, out on the land, and within our own businesses. One of the new developments that came up is that I was invited to assist on a watershed restoration design and install project with a company that I've admired and looked up to my whole career, Restoration Agriculture Development (RAD). RAD is the design and project installation company founded by Mark Shepard, the legendary farmer and author who has helped to define the ambitions through his work and writings such as "Restoration Agriculture" and "Water for Any Farm." Though Mark wasnt involved with this job directly, I got to work with their team lead, and accomplished farmer in his own right, Jake Takiff from Cedar Springs farm in Hotchkiss, Colorado.
In this first episode, I'll be trying out a new format in which I'll bring you along for the duration of this project and give detailed updates about how work is moving forward, what we're learning in the process, and the main takeaways. If you enjoy this format, please let me know, since I have a lot of potential jobs lined up, farm visits, workshops and my own projects at home I would love to share with you. As always, the best way to get in touch and have your voice heard is to connect via the Regenerative Skills Discord server. You can sign up for free below.
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Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
2022 has been an intense year for me behind the scenes. I don't often talk about my personal life here on the show, but I've had some major milestones this year that I'm excited to share with you.
It's been a long journey of almost 4 years since leaving the project that I cofounded with my two colleagues in Guatemala around the time that I started this podcast, until now when my partner and I are recently moved into our new little farm in the mountains of Catalunya in Spain.
In this episode, for the first time, I'm going to be speaking with my partner Alba about what that journey has been like and what we have planned for our home, farm, and the businesses that will support its development.
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